September 20, 2024 · 11 mins read

How to Improve your CIBIL Score after Loan Settlement

Santosh Kumar


If you have already settled a loan, improving your CIBIL score isn’t tough but it certainly comes with its own set of challenges. Here it is important to understand that loan settlement darkens the credit report. But, by following clever financial practices and paying back in parts diligently, one can restore their credit score over time. In this article, you will learn exactly what you need to do on how to improve CIBIL score after loan settlement to regain a better financial position and improve further chances of getting a loan.

What is CIBIL Score?

The CIBIL score summarises credit history in numerical terms that vary from 300 to 900. This is calculated by the Credit Information Bureau India Limited (CIBIL) based on the borrower’s past credit behaviour, which may include loans, credit cards, and repayment. This score is critical because it allows lenders to assess your credit risk before offering financial aid. A favourable score shows that you are a 'good customer,' which means you will get many loan approvals, low interest rates, and credit card offers.

CIBIL score is beneficial for borrowers as well as lenders. One aspect of applying for a loan is checking the CIBIL rating. Some borrowers are aware of their credit standing through their CIBIL score. CIBIL score is the ability of a person to maintain a good and efficient financial record; people with high CIBIL scores, therefore, have good financial management skills.

A person's CIBIL score can impact their insurance, mortgage, and rent agreements. Many landlords and insurance companies prefer to obtain the applicant's credit score to determine their creditworthiness. Thus, it is important to find out how to improve your credit score urgently in case you require a loan or a credit card though your credit score is low.

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Effect of Loan Settlement on CIBIL Score

Loan deferral occurs when a borrower approaches a lender and mutually agrees to clear a balance due in the account because of a lack of funds. Though this fixes the immediate debt, but it tends to have a harmful impact on the CIBIL score. This in turn, is reported as 'settled' on your credit report instead of 'closed,' meaning you failed to honour the initial payment terms. This may harm your score and put you in a position of vulnerability when needing credit.

That is why a CIBIL score is not the end of the world; if you are on the negative side due to debt settlement, it's important to understand how to improve your CIBIL score after loan settlement and you can rebuild the credit. The performance indicator can be kept on a high pitch, and the credit reputation can be built over time and rebuilt to a healthy position for practical and sensible reasons like paying bills on time, reducing indebtedness, and leading a creditworthy life.

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Measures to maintain a high CIBIL Score

To be approved for credit cards, personal loans with low interest, and other credit products, one must have a high CIBIL score. The following are essential behaviours to help you maintain a high CIBIL score or help you in resolving ways on how to improve CIBIL score after loan settlement.

On-time payments

Maintaining your CIBIL score is sorted by how well you repay your dues promptly. This includes all other bills, credit cards, and loan EMI payments. Paying on time every time is an aspect of credibility; paying on time elevates your credit rating.

Maintain low credit utilization

You are advised to charge at most 30% of your credit card limit. A high credit use rate may be a symptom of credit overextension and, hence, a poor credit rating. Minimizing expenses and paying off your dues in full are two methods of minimizing the use ratios.

Keep an eye on your credit report

The more often you check your CIBIL report, the more likely you are to note errors that affect your score. To ensure that the credit report obtained holds information about you in as much as your creditworthiness is concerned, ensure you quickly dispute anything wrong.

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Limit hard inquiries

Particularly when you look for credit, your report is updated with each hard inquiry you create. Several hard inquiries made within a short period should lower your score because such an instance is an indication that the applicant is overstretched on credit. Do not run to fresh credit each time you have a balance you cannot meet.

Maintain a healthy credit combination

This shall positively impact your CIBIL score when you have a balance of unsecured credit (credit cards) and secured credit (home loans). Moreover, through it, you can prove the ability to responsibly manage different kinds of credits.

Prevent closing old accounts

Keeping older accounts open is preferred, especially if they are in good standing, mainly because the length of credit history positively influences the score.

Bank or Lending Institution’s role on the CIBIL Score of an entity or an individual

If the clients are in genuine trouble of not being able to pay back instalments on the loan, banks or lenders may propose to take the one-time settlement of the loan. When, after six months, you have not made any payment, the bank or the lending company gives you a choice. In the same vein as other similar factors, they will consider issues like losing a job, an accident, or an ailment. It turns out that after one has met the borrower, the lender or bank representatives assess his actual situation and the genuineness of his complaint and only then decide whether to wipe off the difference between the amount paid and the amount owed. Then, the bank or the lender records the loss and exonerates the borrower of any such loss. The borrower does not know that he is paying a high price for the same, as he considers it a form of comfort since he will not feature on the list of recovery agencies.

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Understanding a debt or loan settlement

A loan settlement is an agreement whereby, instead of paying the entire loan amount in one go, the borrower pays a percentage of the total loan amount owed to the lender. This is always the case when a borrower gets into some form of financial difficulty and cannot make total payments on the loan. The lender agrees to take back some of the cash for a smaller amount, and the credit is reported as 'settled’ by the borrower. But the question on how to improve CIBIL score after loan settlement remains to be achieved.

The distinction between loan settlement and complete repayment

To complete the payback, the borrower makes a full payment in line with the agreed terms of the loan, under which it is recorded on the credit report as closed. On the other hand, loan settlement implies paying a portion of the whole amount owed while it yields a 'settled' status on the credit report. A closed status means you repaid the loan, which is always beneficial and improves the CIBIL score. In contrast, a settled status indicates the part payment indicating default to repay, which will bring a downturn in the CIBIL score.

Impact of a loan settlement on your CIBIL score

It works when it informs potential lenders that every time a loan is paid off, the borrower cannot fulfil its initial obligations. This can considerably lower your CIBIL score and remain a blot on your credit record for about seven years. 'The suggestion that one's creditworthiness is declining may harm one's credit scores. This means that when they need fresh credit, the lenders will turn them down on insecurity.

Banks and other money lenders like to deal with those customers who always repay the borrowed funds in full. Having a 'settled' status on a credit record is as potentially damaging to a loan applicant as having a 'bad' status because it makes lenders think that a borrower is likely to default. This means you can be charged more interest on a new, fresh credit, get a raw deal on lending terms, or be flatly turned down. Knowing how to improve your CIBIL score after a loan settlement is vital to outrun these challenges and rebuilding your financial status.

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Quick steps that you must take after settling the loan

After repaying the loan, the next thing that an individual must do is to get a copy of the CIBIL report. This will enable you to review the settlement's impact on your credit score and look for blocking points that must be contested. Keeping a tab on the CIBIL report helps you see how your score has shifted after a certain period.

If there is any wrong information on your CIBIL score based on wrong personal details, wrong accounts, or wrong status of the loans, they should be changed immediately. These inaccuracies can be rectified, which will go a long way in improving credit scores. Disputes can be lodged on their website in the form or can directly approach the CIBIL.

This is so because to manage your credit health, you have to frequently check your CIBIL score. The scoring aspect makes it possible to control your score to determine the impact of your financial activities and make appropriate adjustments. You can approach many of your financial facilities that offer free credit reports through CIBIL, so make the best use of it to stay updated. Learning how to improve CIBIL score after loan settlement and taking quick steps will help you regain control over your financial future.

Determination of the appropriate time to seek professional help

Perhaps it is high time that you sought the assistance of a professional if you are still struggling to boost your CIBIL score. For you to keep track of your borrowing and rebuild your credit score, a financial planner or credit counsellor can guide you and give you tips to follow.

Credit managers can assist you with applying for a loan, negotiating with lenders to remove settled status from your credit report, or paying off your obligations in a way that will not harm your credit rating. They can also help guide you through the dispute process in case entries on the credit report are wrongful in depicting your creditworthiness.

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A debt settlement could have long-term repercussions on your CIBIL score. A lower score may make it difficult for you to obtain credit in the future. Even if your credit card or loan application is approved, the terms and interest rate may be less favourable than you prefer. To lessen the perceived risk, lenders may want additional collateral or a co-signer.

Furthermore on how to improve your CIBIL score after a loan settlement, having your credit report show that you have "settled" is a permanent reminder of your financial issues, which may discourage future lenders from extending your credit. This may negatively influence your capacity to fulfil financial ambitions, such as acquiring a house, starting a business, or even finding a job, because some hiring managers do credit checks on candidates.

While a debt settlement may negatively influence your credit report, it does not have to be the end. You can gradually improve your credit score by developing good financial habits, such as paying off your present obligations on time, reducing your total debt, and abstaining from asking for new loans. Although it may take some time, you may progressively improve your CIBIL score and restore your creditworthiness.


What constitutes a CIBIL score?

A good CIBIL score is considered to be 750 or higher. This signifies a good credit background and positions you as an ideal candidate for loans and credit cards.

My loan application was denied due to the information linked to my name in the CIBIL records. Is there a way for me to remove myself from the list of individuals with a credit history at CIBIL?

CIBIL doesn't have a list of defaulters. Instead, it updates individuals' credit histories based on the information provided by Member Credit Institutions. Each institution's credit policies determine the approval of a loan.

Is it possible to eliminate a resolved status from my credit report?

While you cannot erase a resolved status from your credit report, you can focus on enhancing your credit score to counterbalance any impact.

How frequently should I review my CIBIL score?

It is recommended that you review your CIBIL score annually to oversee your credit well-being and verify the absence of any inaccuracies.

Does settling a loan affect my eligibility for a home loan?

Yes, indeed. Settling a loan can impact your chances of securing a home loan as it could signal past challenges in repaying the borrowed sum of money to potential lenders.


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