September 16, 2024 · 12 mins read

How to Improve CIBIL Score after Default

Santosh Kumar


A loan is money people or companies borrow from banks or any other financial institution to manage the financial crunch. It must be returned with interest within a given period. A loan can be described as money lent to another person in exchange for future repayment with or without interest.

Loan default occurs when the borrower cannot pay back due to unexpected issues like loss of employment, unexpected hospital cases, unplanned events, or poor financial planning. It is a failure to pay a bill's interest or principal repayments. It can occur on a secured or unsecured debt. The loan default can reduce the credit score or CIBIL score and even affect the borrower's ability to borrow in the future.

To avoid this, one must have a good CIBIL or credit score. To avoid this and understand how to improve CIBIL score after default, one must have a good CIBIL or credit score. A Credit Score is a three-digit score between 300 and 900. It stands for CREDIT INFORMATION BUREAU INDIA LIMITED, an Indian credit rating bureau which has access to one's personal credit information. The score indicates your creditworthiness, and if you have a credit score of 750 or above, credit card applications are possible without proof of income. Cibil score is crucial since it impacts one's financial opportunities and measures financial health. It is required to have a good credit score by being financially responsible.

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Consequences of Not Having A Good CIBIL Score

A typical creditworthiness assessment of an individual will mostly depend upon their CIBIL score, which contributes to their financial well-being. The CIBIL score range is from 300 to 900, developed based on the individual's credit history or repayment pattern. A score beyond 750 is regarded as very good in most instances and assures lenders that the person seeking their services is not likely to default on any repayments.

Learning how to build credit score after default is vital for overcoming these impacts. When someone has less or lower CIBIL Score, they may face one or more of the following outcomes:

1. Lenders can take legal action, which may cause property liens or bank account levies.

2. Collection activities by collection agents can be aggressive, and it will affect mental health.

3. Employment difficulties can occur due to default.

4. Asset seizure could happen.

5. It may even affect housing applications since landlords often check credit reports. A default can cause a company to lose money or have to pay huge security deposits.

6. The challenge is to open a new bank account due to the history of having defaults.

7. Higher rates for insurance since some companies use credit-based insurance scores to determine premiums.

8. Credit score will be damaged. A default can stay up to seven years on your credit report. It can cause higher interest rates in future borrowings.

Read More: CIBIL Vs Experian

What is CIBIL Score and Why It is Important to be Maintained High?

A typical creditworthiness assessment of an individual will mostly depend upon their CIBIL score, which contributes to their financial well-being. The CIBIL score range is from 300 to 900 and is developed based on the individual's credit history or repayment pattern. A score beyond 750 is regarded as very good in most instances, and it assures lenders that the person seeking their services is not likely to default on any repayments.

One of the benefits of ensuring that the CIBIL score is high is that it enhances the ability to acquire different financial products and services easily. When applying for a personal loan, home loan or even a credit card, a person with a high CIBIL score will have the most chances of being approved for the loan. This is because lenders are more comfortable lending money to individuals with high CIBIL scores as they lower the credit risk. This attitude shortens the period for background review and submission of generic paperwork, enhancing the application's processing speed.

One of the most important advantages a customer can benefit from a high CIBIL score is that most credit loans and credit cards are offered at low interest rates. In addition, when lenders look at your credit reports and notice that you have a good history, they are usually attracted to the idea of giving you more loans at lower interest. This can result in great savings in the life of a loan since you will have less of an interest payment burden.

A high CIBIL score has also been known to assist in granting users higher credit limits. This is especially useful if you want to make a big purchase or minimise your credit utilisation ratio. A higher credit limit increases financial flexibility while also providing a means to enhance the credit score by keeping the utilisation ratio low. For those who are in the search to how to improve CIBIL score after default, these ways can swiftly help in improving your financial health.

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How to improve the CIBIL score after Default?

CIBIL score can be improved by the following points given below:

Avoid Bad Debts

Managing your current mortgage is vital in how to improve CIBIL score after default. However, having a lot of debt compared to your credit lines will negatively affect your score. Therefore, keep your credit utilisation ratio below 30% to improve your financial management and lessen the debt you owe.

If your EMI repayments are missed or delayed, your credit score will be negatively impacted and could come down drastically. You must be organised and responsible when paying off your loan EMIs or dues. In addition to paying penalties, you will also witness a steep fall in your credit score.

Read More: CIBIL Score Role in Loan Application Process

Control Credit Utilisation Ratio

Another notable factor contributing to your credit score is your credit utilisation ratio, which measures the amount of available credit you presently use as a percentage. The easiest way is to pay your balance in full each month. At least keep the total balance at 30% or less of the total credit limit. That needs to be changed to 10%, the ideal value for raising the credit score.

Refrain from Closing Old Credit Accounts

The duration of your credit history is a factor in your score. Even the old accounts no longer in use add positively to your credit history length.

Different Kinds of Credit Should Be Acquired

At least three accounts of various types, e.g., credit, car loans, and personal loans, may help improve credit scores, but only if the accounts are used wisely. Different forms of credit are taken and managed with care, which assures credit companies of their safety.

Ensure You Check Your Credit Report Often

It's important to review your report at least once every 12 months. Even an administrative error can occur. It is better to check your credit report regularly, and if any issues are found, file a dispute with the credit bureau. Regular monitoring can also provide insights into how to improve CIBIL score after default by identifying and addressing discrepancies that may affect your score.

Limit hard enquiries

Enquiries are of two types: hard and soft. Soft inquiries are inquiries done to check the credit score to become credit aware. It does not affect the credit score. The lender makes a hard inquiry to fetch the credit report from the credit bureau against your credit application. It means that once you have applied for a loan or any other form of credit, the lender requests your credit report. Hard enquiries can be for a new credit card, mortgage, or loan. Frequent hard enquiries show your financial instabilities or difficulties, with higher risks of credit default. This may even result in the lender rejecting the credit application. Hence, you must have a good credit score if you want to apply for a loan or credit. Otherwise, you must focus on how to build credit score after default first and then apply for a loan. Careful research and studies on the ability of various options are required before taking a loan or credit card, as hard inquiries can drastically change your credit score.

Choosing a Longer Repayment Tenure

This is a good method for those needing a monthly lower EMI. It can land you in a situation where you have enough money in hand. The interest amount will be higher, but the dues can be paid less easily, reducing your EMI/NMI ratio.

This is one of the main factors considered when analysing the loan application red. The lower the EMI/NMI value, the higher the chances of loan approval. If you assume you may face problems repaying the loan you are applying for, you can proceed with a longer tenure.

Handling Credit Mix

Maintaining a healthy mix of unsecured credit, such as credit cards or personal loans, and secured credit, such as auto or home loans, is highly advisable. Since consumers with a larger number of credit accounts have more credibility than those who have fewer, a balanced, disciplined approach to handling credit is required.

Monitor your credits

Credit monitoring services monitor for changes in your credit reports, such as paid-off accounts or newly opened accounts. In this way, you can be aware of thefts, contact credit card companies, and report suspected fraud if you do not account for it. It can also give you access to your credit scores, which are updated monthly. If you anticipate facing difficulties repaying the loan you are applying for, you can proceed with a longer tenure as part of your strategy for how to improve CIBIL score after default.

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How do you check your credit score or boost it for free?

Some ways to check your credit history and see your good credit score are:

Experian Boost

It is a useful free program that collects financial data unavailable in credit reports, such as utility payments or banking history. It is designed for people with no credit or a limited number of credits who have a positive history of paying bills on time.


It is a similar program. It boosts your credit score by using your banking history. It also helps you pay your bills on time, maintain your account, and avoid overdrafts.

Various renters

Some renters allow you to get credit for on-time payments. They will report your rent payments on your behalf to the credit bureaus, which will help increase your score. You need to be careful; some renters can pay for these services; hence, read the details carefully before using the services. Examples of those renters are Rental Kharma, RentTrack, and Altro.

Read More: How Credit Card Usage Makes or Breaks Your Credit Score?

How long does it take to improve your credit score?

The answer depends on the specifics of why your credit score is low. Depending on the specifics, one needs to improve the credit score, which might take variable time. For example, if the score is low due to poor payment history, it might take longer, like months, to increase the credit score. Meanwhile, it may drastically change in a month if the major negative is credit utilisation. Hence, it depends on the specifics, and one must act accordingly.


It is safe to say that defaulting on any personal loan will not only affect one's CIBIL score negatively but, more importantly, will hurt the financial well-being of the person concerned in more ways than one. Nonrepayment of a loan, be it due to personal problems or lack of ability to properly manage their finances, usually results in a bad credit score, litigations, persistent harassment for dues, and inability to borrow again. It is essential to follow credit discipline to minimise these effects and restore a healthy CIBIL score. To mitigate these issues and understand how to improve CIBIL score after default, it is essential to follow credit discipline to minimize these effects and restore a healthy CIBIL score.

It is important to have an excellent CIBIL score because it will ensure that one has wide access to proper financial products. On the other hand, a person with a CIBIL score of more than 750 can sometimes be granted loans and credit cards without any salary documents. Hence, you must see how to build credit score after default. High scores also come with lower rates, more points, higher limits, or automated approvals. To raise your CIBIL score, try to be a responsible borrower, keep credit utilisation in check, and don't close old credit accounts. Expand your credit horizons, but check the accuracy of credit reporting for the gaps and weaknesses. Use softer checks and longer repayment periods when necessary. Some of these actions will improve your ability to repay either by improving your employment prospects or increasing the sums of the loan granted in the future.

Read More: What is the Use of CIBIL Score?


What can my CIBIL score get low?

The CIBIL score remains low in case of a slow repayment record, overuse of credit, and loan defaults.

Does the CIBIL score restrain people from getting employment?

Some employers are interested in credit scores for specific payment management duties.

How soon can one notice a positive change in their CIBIL score?

A few months of sustained engagement and sound credit management will enable quicker improvement.

Does self-checking my CIBIL score affect the score?

Not at all it does because self-checking is classified as a soft inquiry and, therefore, does not impact the score.

What actions should one take regarding errors that have been noted in the CIBIL report?

Errors should be forwarded to CIBIL for rectification through their dispute process.


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