Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)

Dear Customer - Please note the MITC is subject to revision.

The Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC) are to be read and understood in conjunction with the SBM Magnet Credit Card Member Terms and Conditions (Card Member T&Cs) as communicated on

SBM Magnet Credit card will be an ‘International’ credit card (“Card” or “Credit Card”) valid for usage across the globe. It is issued by SBM Bank (India) Ltd (“SBM Bank”). It is available on Rupay / Visa, or any other network as chosen by the Bank.

SBM Magnet Credit Card

  1. Fees and Charges:

    Please note that the entire Schedule of Fees and Charges (as mentioned further ahead) benefits and features may change at any point of time at the discretion of SBM Bank. A notice and/or intimation, in this regard, shall be provided to the card holder before implementation of such change.

  2. Cash Advance Fee:

    The Cardmember can use the Card to access cash in an emergency from ATMs in India or abroad. A transaction fee of 2.5% or (Rs. 300 whichever is higher) would be levied on the amount withdrawn would be billed to the Cardmember in the next statement. The transaction fee is subject to change at the discretion of SBM Bank. All cash advances also carry a finance charge equal to charges on revolving credit (Refer schedule of charges) from the date of withdrawal until the date of full payment. The finance charge is subject to change at the discretion of SBM Bank.

  3. Service charges levied for transactions:

    Charges and fees, as may be applicable from time to time, are payable by Cardmembers for specific services provided by SBM Bank to the Cardmember or for defaults committed by the Cardmember with reference to their card account. SBM Bank retains the right to alter any charges or fees from time to time or to introduce any new charges or fees, as it may deem appropriate, with due intimation to the customer. For interest rates, pre-closure, and cancellation charges, please refer to schedule of charges.

  4. Late Fees:

    299 INR will be levied for late payment on credit card.

  5. Priority Pass Lounge Charges:

    No priority pass is applicable in this program.

  6. Reissue of Lost, Stolen or Damaged/ Replacement Card:

    249 INR will be levied for Lost, Stolen or Damaged/ Replacement card.

  7. Dynamic currency conversion Markup Fee:

    A Markup fee of 2.49% will be levied on all transactions carried out in Indian Currency at an international location or at merchants which are in India but registered overseas.

  8. Add-on Card:

    No add-on card facility applicable for this program.

  9. Drawal Limits:

    1. Credit limit: SBM Bank at its sole discretion will determine the Cardmember's credit limit and cash withdrawal limit. Currently the credit limit on the SBM- Magnet Credit Card shall be 90 percent of the fixed deposit amount.

    2. Available credit limit: The Credit Limit and Cash Withdrawal Limit are communicated at the time of delivery of the Card (welcome kit) and are also indicated in the monthly statements. The available credit limit is calculated by deducting the utilized limit from the Total Credit Limit. In case the Card Member has availed of any loan within the credit limit onthe Card, the outstanding loan amount will also be deducted from the Total Credit Limit to arrive at the Available Credit limit.

    3. Cash limit: Currently the maximum cash limit on the SBM- Magnet Credit Card shall be 50 percent of the credit limit.

  10. Billing:

    1. Billing Statements:

      SBM Bank will send the Cardmember a monthly statement showing the payments credited and the transactions debited to the Cardmember's account since the last statement.

    2. Minimum Amount Payable:

      Without prejudice to the liability of the Card Member to immediately pay all charges incurred, the Card Member may exercise the option to pay only the Minimum Amount Due (MAD) indicated in the statement by the due date.

      The Minimum Amount Due shall be 5% of the outstanding amount.

      SBM Bank Credit Cards offer the Card-member the facility of revolving credit. The Cardmember may choose to pay only the Minimum Amount Due printed on the statement. The balance outstanding can be carried forward to subsequent statements. The Cardmember can also choose to pay the Total Amount Due or any part of the amount above the Minimum Amount Due. Such payment should be made before the Payment Due Date. Clear funds need to be credited to SBM Bank Card account on or before payment due date to avoid Late Payment Charges.

      In case of any repayment through installments, the installment amount due during the statement period will be added to the Minimum Amount Due. If the total outstanding is more than the credit or cash limit, then the amount by which the credit or cash limit has been exceeded will also be included in the Minimum Amount Due. Minimum

      Amount Due shall also include unpaid Minimum Amount Due of the previous statements, if any. Interest will be charged if the Total Amount Due is not paid by the payment due date even if the Minimum Amount Due has been paid.

      • If you spend 5,000 INR and pay back exactly the Minimum Amount Due (subject to a minimum payment of 100 INR) every month, it will take you up to 6 years and 6 months to pay back the total amount. We therefore suggest that whenever your cash flows allow, pay back an amount substantially more than your Minimum Amount Due.

      • No merchant refund/cashback/credit due to transactions converted to EMI / cancelled transactions / reversals / promotional cashback will be considered as a payment towards the outstanding of the Card. EMI transactions and cash transactions will not be eligible for Reward Points. Once a transaction has been converted into EMI, it will not be eligible for reward points even if it is reversed/ written off at a later date. In case Card member makes an excess payment compared to the outstanding of the Card, there will be credit balance in the Card account. This will be adjusted against the subsequent transactions on the Card. However, no interest can be claimed on this excess credit amount.

    3. Method of payment:

      Payments towards the Card Account may be made in any of the following ways and Customers can login into the Magnet Mobile app and make payments toward Credit Card outstanding use.

      • Net banking of any bank account- Click to Pay SBM Magnet Credit Card dues from your SBM/ Any other bank Savings Accounts using Click to Pay.

      • UPI

    4. Billing Disputes Resolution:

      All the Contents of the statement will be deemed to be correct and accepted if the Cardmember does not inform SBM Bank of the discrepancies within 30 (thirty) days of the Statement Date in writing. On receipt of such information, SBM Bank may reverse the charge on a temporary basis pending investigation. If on completion of subsequent investigations, the liability of such charges is to the Cardmembers account, the charge will be reinstated in a subsequent statement along with the associated charges.

      In the event the Card Member disagrees with the charges indicated in the statement, it should be communicated in writing to the correspondence address of SBM Bank within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of the statement, failing which it would be construed that all charges indicated in the statement are in order.

  11. Default and Circumstances:

    1. Procedure including notice period for reporting a cardholder as defaulter:

      Grace days of 3 (three) days is allowed from the payment due date on credit card accounts, where payments are not overdue. The payment due date as mentioned on the credit card statement is the date by which clear funds must be credited to the credit card, however 3 (three) grace days are provided to accommodate for processing time of payments. The Bank shall report a credit card account as ‘past due’ to credit information companies (CICs) and levy late payment charges when a credit card account remains ‘past due’ for more than 3 (three) days. The number of ‘days past due’ and late payment charges shall, however, be computed from the payment due date mentioned in the credit card statement. In the event of default, the Cardmember will be sent reminders from time to time for settlement of any outstanding on the card account, by telephone, e-mail, SMS messaging and/ or engaging third parties to remind, follow up and collect dues. Any third party so appointed shall adhere fully to the code of conduct on debt collection.

      If the Card Member fails to pay the Minimum Amount Due by the date indicated in the billing statement, it shall be treated as default. In case of default, the Bank can forward the default report to the Credit Information Bureaus or to such other agencies as approved by law. The period between the payment due date and the billing date indicated on the billing statement is considered as the notice period for reporting a Card Member as a defaulter. Terms and Conditions governing Credit Card facilities shall be applicable to the Supplementary Card Holders as well.

    2. Procedure for withdrawal of default report and the period within which thedefault report would be withdrawn after settlement of dues:

      SBM Bank submits the Card Member’s data to CIBIL – Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited every month in the format prescribed by CIBIL. This data includes the repayment status of all Cardholders, both defaulters and current, for the previous month. CIBIL uploads the submitted data onto their server in another thirty days.

      In case the cardholder makes the payment of either the Minimum Amount Due or the total amount due after the expiry of 7 (seven) days’ notice period, the Bank shall update the status within 30 (thirty) days from the date of settlement of dues. In case a transaction is disputed by customer, a temporary credit equivalent to the amount disputed by customer will be provided to the Credit Card account of the customer.

    3. Recovery procedure in case of default:

      In case of default, upon a demand made by the bank, if the balance amount due on the card

      is not repaid within the prescribed time; bank shall have a right of lien and set-off without notice on all FD’s belonging to the Cardmember attached to the credit card in the custody of the bank. Rewards points balance cannot be adjusted to the outstanding balance in the case of default.

    4. Recovery of dues in case of death/permanent in capacitance of the Card Member:

      The death or incapacity of Cardmember including insolvency, dissolution, bankruptcy or winding up, shall automatically result in cancellation of the card issued to the Cardmember as well as any Add-on Cardmembers. The card would also be liable to be suspended on instructions from any Government or Regulatory body. On cancellation or suspension of the card, all amounts outstanding on the card account shall be deemed to have become due immediately. Notwithstanding the Cardmember’s obligation to pay all outstanding amounts forthwith, Bank shall be entitled to recover the same in accordance with the relevant laws in force after giving sufficient notice for payment of dues and all information regarding the outstanding dues, to the successors/nominees /legal heirs of the Card Member.

    5. Insurance cover:

      There is no insurance cover applicable for this program.

  12. Termination/Revocation/Surrender of Card membership:

    1. Procedure for surrender/ closure of card by cardholder:

      I/ We understand that the usage of the SBM Bank International Credit Card(s) shall be strictly in accordance with exchange control regulations, law of the land or of the Regulatory authorities as applicable from time to time, the card will not be used for transactions involving Forex trading, lottery, betting, gambling, dating, Bitcoins, Virtual currency which I/We undertake as my/our responsibilities to keep myself/ourself updated of and in the event of any failure to do so , I/We will be liable for action under the Foreign exchange management act 1999 or its statutory modifications or re-enhancement thereof.

    2. The Card Member may terminate the Card membership at any time by writing to SBM Bank India Limited at or reaching out to Bank’s toll-free number 1800 1033 817. The termination shall only be effective once SBM Bank receives the payment of all amounts due and outstanding in respect of the said Card Account. The Card Member may at any time choose to terminate the Card Account. For avoiding misuse, it is advised to cut the Credit Card into four pieces ensuring that the hologram and magnetic strip are destroyed permanently.

    3. In the event of a Credit Card program closure or at the time of renewal of Credit Card, SBM Bank at its sole discretion reserves the right to provide a Card type that is different from the existing Card type held by the card member.The credit limits and cash limits on any Credit Card at any point in time are as per the sole discretion of SBM Bank Limited.

    4. Once the request is raised through the above channels, no transaction can be made through the card from immediate effect as the same will be blocked. Any transactions incurred by the Cardmember prior to the closure of card, and which is presented / claimed at a later point by the merchant shall be billed to the Cardmember for effecting necessary payments towards such transactions. The Cardmember shall be obligated to pay for any transactions which were incurred prior to the closure date of the card and the Bank shall

      report these outstanding payments of the Cardmember to CICs, if unpaid.

    5. The Card application shall continue to be valid for any replacement card provided at the time of closure/renewal.

    6. In case the Bank notices unusual and abnormal transaction patterns in the use of the Card, the Bank will try to establish contact with the customer on the registered phone number of the customer available on its records to verify the bonafideness of the card transaction. Failure on the part of the Bank to establish contact with the customer, the Bank may restrict/terminate the use of the Card without any further notice, if the Bank reasonably believes it necessary for the sake of the Cardholder and for security reasons SBM Bank can suspend the facility on the Credit Card, if the Cardmember defaults on payment due or exceeds the credit limit extended. The Credit Card must not be used after the Agreement has ended or if the card account is suspended.

    7. With a view to ensure that the Credit Card is being used as per the regulatory guidelines, Terms and Conditions and applicable policies of the Bank, Bank shall have a right to run periodic checks on the Credit Card usage to identify whether there is excessive utilization of credit limit beyond the sanctioned limit in one statement cycle, unusual or excessive utilization at few select merchants, possible collusion with merchant and/or usage towards non-personal/ business related requirements, over-use/ misuse of features/ offers/ programs towards accumulation of undue reward points/ cash back / other benefits amongst others. Based on the usage patterns, if any of these is suspected by the Bank, Bank may take restrictive action on the Credit Card. Such action can be with immediate effect and may include but not be limited to withdrawal of features/ benefits as well as complete termination of the Credit Card. If any such action is taken by the Bank onus will be on customer to provide satisfactory proof of bona fide usage to reinstate the Credit Card and attached features/ benefits as may be deemed fit by the Bank. The bank’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the customers. In such a situation, the Cardmember must (subject to any default or other notice required by law) immediately pay SBM Bank the total outstanding balance on the Account. This includes all amounts due to SBM bank under the Agreement, including all transactions and other amounts not yet charged to the Account. The card will not be considered as closed until the Cardmember has paid all such due amounts.

    8. Procedure for closure of card account if the card has not been used for more than 30 (thirty) days:

      If a credit card has not been activated or used within 30 (thirty) days of card open date, the Bank shall intimate the cardholder about non-usage or non-activation of the card and request the cardholder to activate or start using the card within 7 (seven) days from the date of such intimation. If the cardholder does not start using the card within a period of 7 (seven) days, the card account shall be closed by the Bank.

    9. Procedure for closure of card account if the card has not been used for more than one year:

      Please note that if a credit card has not been used for a continuous period of 1 (one) year, the Bank will intimate the cardholder about non-usage of the card and request the cardholder to start using the card within 30 (thirty) days from the date of such intimation. If either no reply is received from the cardholder or the cardholder does not start using the card within a period of 30 (thirty) days, the card account shall be closed by the Bank, subject to payment of all dues by the cardholder.

  13. Loss/Theft/Misuse of Card:

    In case of loss/theft/ misuse of card, the Bank shall be guided by the 'Customer Protection Policy' updated on the website of the Bank which has been formulated based on the RBI circular on Customer Protection – Limiting Liability of Customers in Unauthorized Electronic Banking Transactions' as updated from time to time. (RBI Circular - ref. DBR.No. Leg. BC.78/ 09.07.005/2017-18 dated July 6, 2017) Please Note you can refer the Customer Protection Policy Note by visiting sation_Sub_Policy.pdf.

    If a customer suspects any unauthorized transaction, the customer should inform the bank through the following channels: for blocking of card to avoid further unauthorized transaction or misuse. In case of loss / theft / misuse of the card, customer can immediately hotlist / block the card by raising a requestthrough below channels.

    1. The bank is not liable or responsible for any type of transaction (Online/Physical/Contactless (Tap and Pay or Wi-Fi/Others) incurred in the card account prior to the time of reporting of the loss of the card, and the card holder will be wholly liable for the same. After the receipt of proper notification of the loss by the Bank, the card holder’s subsequent liability is zero. In addition to notifying SBM Bank about the loss or theft of the card, the Cardmember must report any theft of cards to the Police and lodge an FIR and provide the acknowledgment copy of the police complaint to the Bank.

    2. The Cardmember will be liable for all losses in case of misuse of the card by someone who obtained the PIN or the card with the consent of the corporate. The Cardholder is under obligation to take all appropriate steps to keep the card safe and not to record the PIN, One Time Password (OTP) or any other token/code issued from time to time, in any form that would be retrievable or otherwise accessible to any third party if access is gained to such a record, either honestly or dishonestly.

    3. If the Cardmember has acted fraudulently, the Cardmember would be liable for all losses. If the Cardmember acts without reasonable care, the Cardmember may be liable for all losses incurred.

    4. SBM Bank may, without referring to the Cardmember, give the police or relevant authorities any information that SBM Bank considers relevant about the loss, theft or misuse of a Card or PIN.

    5. In line with RBI mandate, on the basis of the nature and purpose of transactions

      carried out on your credit card, customers are advised not to make any payment to the credit card through FCRA accounts. In case anypayments are observed through these accounts, customers may receive anotice from the Ministry of Home Affairs seeking explanation for such payments.

    6. SBM Bank reserves the right to block the Credit Card on suspected risk of compromise in order to protect the interest of the Card Member and to avoid misuse in any manner on the Card Account. The Card Member shall not be able to use the blocked Card for any transaction. In the event, the Card Member, after being informed by SBM Bank of the probable fraud risk, still requests to unblock the Card, SBM Bank shall not stand liable or responsible in any manner for any fraudulent transactions reported to it thereafter on account of fraudulent usage of the Card or otherwise.

    7. SBM Bank Contactless Cards allows you to pay with a simple tap. To make a transaction of ₹5,000 (Indian Rupees Five Thousand) or less, just tap to pay with your contactless card and you won't need to sign or enter any PIN. Contactless transactions are as secured as any chip or PIN based transactions. The Bank is not liable or responsible for any transactions incurred on the Card Account prior to the time of reporting or delay in reporting of the loss or misuse of the card and the Card member will be wholly liable for the same. Terms and Conditions mentioned in the card member agreement is applicable for all contact-less cards and contact-less transactions.

  14. Grievance Cell and Compensation Policy First level touch points:

    1. Queries / Feedback / Complaints:

      The customer can reach out to the following channels:

    2. For further details please refer Bank’s Complaints Handling Policy which is available on the website –

    3. Customer Grievance will be addressed within a period of 30 (thirty) days, if your issue still remains unresolved or if you have not received response within 30 30 (thirty) days of lodging a complaint, you may approach the Banking Ombudsman appointed by the Reserve Bank of India.

    4. Failure on the part of the card-issuers to complete the process of closure of credit card within seven working days shall result in a penalty of 500 INR (Indian Rupees Five Hundred) per day of delay payable to the customer, till the closure of the credit card, provided there is no outstanding in the credit card account.

    5. Failed / Unsuccessful Domestic transactions:

      In case of unsuccessful transaction / failure, as per harmonization of TAT, the Bank will reverse blocked amount within 5 (five) days if merchant claim does not arise. In case if the merchant claims such transaction, the regular dispute process will be followed as per franchise guidelines. Where it is established that the Bank had issued and activated a credit card without written consent of the recipient, the Bank would reverse the charges immediately and pay a penalty without demur to the recipient amounting to twice the value of charges reversed in this regard. Operation of the credit account shall be in accordance with SBM Bank credit card terms and conditions. Transactions reported as erroneous by customers, which require specific reference to a merchant establishment will be handled as per chargeback rules laid down by card networks (VISA / RuPay). The Bank will provide explanation and, if necessary, documentary evidence to the customer within a maximum period of 60 (sixty) days.

    6. Disclosure:

The Cardmember acknowledges that as per existing business practices, the Bank can disclose from time to time any information relating to the Credit Card(s), to any credit bureau (Existing or Future) The Credit Information Companies are an initiative of the Government of India and Reserve Bank of India to improve the functionality and stability of the financial system. All banks and financial institutions participating in this initiative are required to share customer data with Credit Information Companies and this information is being provided in the terms of the Credit Information Companies Regulation Act, 2005. In view of this we wish to inform the Cardmember that the bank can disclose any information relating to credit card(s) default by the customer to the Credit Information Companies to any other credit bureau (Existing and Future) in case the card is overdue, with due intimation to the cardholder. The Bank hereby informs the Cardmember that fresh/ update on cardholder’s data on receipt of payment towards overdue card accounts will reflect in CIBIL / other credit bureaus within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of payment by the bank. We also wish to inform the Cardmember that the bank will, at its own discretion, record specific conversations between the Cardmember and the representative of the Bank, in cases of grievance related conversation or payments-recovery related conversations or any other conversations, that the Bank may deem fit.

SBM Bank/Group Companies reserve the right to retain the application forms and documents provided therewith, including photographs, and will not return the same.


*SBM Bank may at its sole discretion, utilize the services of external service provider/s or agent/s and on such terms as required or necessary, in relation to its product.


  1. Joining Fees, Annual Fees and Supplementary Card Fees

    Sr No.

    Fees & Charges



    Joining Fee for FD of ₹ 10000



    Joining Fee for FD more than ₹ 10000



    Annual Fee/Renewal Fee



    Annual fee waiver

    Not Applicable

  2. Finance Charges

    Interest after credit free period

    Interest on Cash Advances









    The interest rate may vary dynamically based on the customer’s repayment behavior and performance.

  3. Other Fees and Charges

    Sr No.

    Fees & Charges



    Cash Advance Fees

    2.50% of Withdrawal Amount or 300 INR (Whichever is higher)


    Late Payment Charges

    299 INR


    Over Limit Charges

    Not Applicable


    FD closure %






    Card Replacement Cost

    249 INR


    Card Cancellation Fee (if the customer cancels the card in the 1st year of card activation)

    499 INR


    Foreign Currency Transaction Charge

    2.49% of the transaction amount


    Interest Free Period

    up to 45 Days


    Grace period Until bill Payment

    Payment due date + 3 days


    GST Applicable on Fees and Charges

    18% or as may be directed by Government

  4. Charges in foreign currency:

    1. If a transaction is made in a currency other than Indian Rupees, that transaction will be converted into Indian Rupees. The conversion will take place on the date the transaction is settled with SBM Bank, which may not be the same date on which the transaction was made. If the transaction is not in US Dollars, the conversion will be made through US Dollars, by converting the charged amount into US Dollars and then by converting the US Dollar amount into Indian Rupees.

    2. Unless a specific rate is required by applicable law, the conversion rate from US Dollar to Indian Rupees will be at the rates provided by the network, as the case may be, on the settlement date, increased by a Currency Conversion Factor assessment (currently 3.50%) on such transactions.

  5. Finance Charges

    1. Interest will be charged if the Total Amount Due is not paid by the payment due date. Interest will be charged on the Total Amount Due and on all new transactions (from the transaction date) till such time as the previous outstanding amounts are paid in full. Also, interest will be levied on all cash advances from the date of the transaction until the date of payment.

    2. The rate of interest may be changed at the sole discretion of SBM Bank.

    3. The following illustration will indicate the method of calculating interest charges: In the table given below, it has been assumed that the Total Amount Due of the previous month statement has been paid by the payment due date and there is no outstanding amount. The statement date is the 20th of every month. Given these assumptions, interest will be calculated as below:

      Transaction Description


      Purchase on 20th April 2022


      Total Amount Due on Statement Dated 1st May 2022


      Minimum Amount Due on Statement Dated 1st May 2022


      Payment Due Date 16th May 2022

      Purchase on 15th May


      Payment Made on 19th May 2020


      Interest Calculations @30% PA

      Interest on balance ₹ 500 for

      42 days (from 20 Apr to 31 May)

      ₹ 17.26

      Interest on ₹ 800 for 13 days (from 19 May to 31May )

      ₹ 8.55

      Total Interest (Statement - 1 June 2022)


      GST @ 18% of interest


      Total principal outstanding amount


      Total Amount Due


    4. GST will be applicable on interest charges.

  6. Late Payment Charges (LPC):

    Late Payment Charges will be 299 INR.

  7. Interest- Free Period:

    1. The interest free period is 45 days.

    2. For a statement for the period 1st April to 30th April, the payment due date is 15th of May. Assuming you have paid your previous month's dues in full, the interest free period would be:

      1. For the purchase dated 1st April, interest free period is from 1st April to 15th May = 45 days

      2. For the purchase dated 26th April, interest free period is from 26th April to 15th May = 19 days

    3. Grace period Until bill Payment: Payment due date + 3 days.

    Thus, the interest free period can vary depending upon the date of purchase. However, if the Total Amount Due is not paid by the payment due date, then there will be no interest period. For cash advances, interest is charged from the date of the transaction until the date of payment.

  8. CIC Reporting:

  9. Non-performing Asset:

    Non-Performing Asset (NPA) is a loan or an advance where: A term loan where interest and/ or instalment of principal remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days, A credit card account will be treated as non-performing asset if the minimum amount due, as mentioned in the statement, is not paid fully within 90 days from the payment due date mentioned in the statement. Illustrative movement of an account to SMA category to NPA category based on delay 1 non-payment of dues and subsequent upgradation to Standard category during End of Day (EOD) process (considering February as a non-leap year month): Dues referred hereinto is the Minimum Amount Due/ EMl amount as mentioned in the loan statement.

  10. Lounge Access:



1800 1033 817